Vision Statement of the Trust:
The Vision of Sai Palkhi Group Nagpur is to Create awareness about Sai Satcharitra & Sai Baba’s thoughts/ teachings through Sai Palkhi & Rathyatra.
Mission Statement of the Trust:
The Trust likes is encouraging youth to take care of old age people instead of approaching old age home through “Sai Vichar Kranti”.
The Trust is awarding scholarships and regular financial assistance to the poor and needy students.
The Trust is regularly organizing medical check-up camps for the benefit of the poor strata of the society with the help of qualified medical specialists.
The Trust is actively participating and assisting areas affected by natural calamities such as cyclone, food, earthquake etc. and to facilitate the rehabilitation process nationally.
The Trust has started a special “Save the Girl Child” campaign the aim of which is “free delivery if Girl child is born”. Till now the Trust has provided Financial Assistance in 532 Girl Child delivery cases. The Trust has kept a target of 1,00,000 free girl child deliveries in the near future.
The Trust has started a BURN CENTRE and providing free treatment to Women burnt due to Dowry Harassment and Acid Attack victims.
Philosophy of the Trust:
To create a network among various Shirdi Sai Institutions around the world and to bring them on to a common platform to render better service to humanity at large.
The Trust has passed a resolution to plant 11000 trees on the occassion of Sai Samdhi Shatabdi Mahotsav in 2018 and 11th anniversary of Sai Palkhi Mahotsav.